Monday 28 May 2012

Blast Fom The Past

Ahh, was looking through baby pictures with Mum in the garden & thought I would share some of them with you ^_^


(LMAO! In my Mum's cowboy boots. Apparently, when ever I found them I HAD to put them on hahaha!)

 My beautiful mum back in '92 :)

 This was the picture I won a Mother Care baby competition with.
When Matthew was a baby, he won the same competition - how strange! It was meant to be :')

 Me & my cousin Martin

 Year 1 or 2 I think.. I also always did that weird thing I'm doing with my hands when I was shy :)

 LOL - bad assss

Bad ass again in my Barbie jeep LOL

Housewife in the making!

Chubby chops :)

Fancy pram :D

Games nerd - probs playing Sonic on the Sega haha

Lovin' life at the caravan. It's weird how my hair was so light when I was young & then when dark - hmm!

When I was about 11 with my Grandad's dog Louie & look how frickin' amazingly long my hair was. I need it back. :'(

But yeah, that's all I've dug out for now.. Hope you enjoyed my little blast from the past! :D

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